Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Chrismakah!

I recently watched the 1st Season of The O.C. to get me into the Christmas spirit. I for one love The O.C. Seth Cohen is my idea of the perfect guy. He's into pop culture, music like Death Cab for Cutie and The Shins. Also Kavillier and Clay (Awesome Book! just fyi) and Comic books. (Nice!). After watching The O.C. and recovering from a crazy aweful cold that left me disheveled for days afterwards, it was Christmas! I pissed off my parents and woke everyone up at 7am because I was starving and wanted my dad to cook me something delicious. After being pissed off and giving me hell for acting like a five year old and waking him up my dad did make me buiscuits, bacon and eggs. Then, we opened our Christmas gifts and I took a nap. We had a great Christmas! Now, I am at my farm with my cousins and we are cleaning out my aunt's very crowded house because she recently moved from a five bedroom house to a fully furnished two bedroom and things are very chaotic over here. However, we are having a great time and its pretty chilly outside. I had some awesome pie at lunch and a delicious turkey sandwich with cranberry-mustard. Now, I am sitting in the kitchen next to my aunt's worm farm which is currently on the kitchen table.(gross!). Time for antiquing in the small town of Brenham, Tx.
P.S. I just inherited some awesome Blink 182 posters from my cousin. Totally cool huh? I simply couldn't let her throw them away they are very sentimental to me. I think one of the first cd's I ever got was a Blink cd. Also, Blink is supposedly coming out with a new album soon. Yesssss!

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