Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fresh Start - 2015

I'm already so loving this year! Every year I always make a resolution to eat better, live better and just be all around better. Each year, I stick to my resolutions for the most part but life gets busy and sometimes I tend to forget the things I resolved to do so this year I'm writing them down and sticking to them. No wining! (Haha!)
 This year, I turned 24 whoop whoop! It could very easily be a whomp,whomp but one thing I resolve to do is be extremely positive and optimistic about life and living in the moment. So often, I find myself constantly planning for the future that I'm missing the world around me each day. 
Here are my resolutions:
1. Focus on what you are doing, do not compare yourself to others. We all do things in our own time and God has a plan for each of us.
2. Do more of what makes you happy! For me these include: filmmaking, writing press, working for non- profit organizations and good causes, getting envolved in the community, doing more yoga and reading more books for fun!
3. Take time out of each day to meditate: breathe in and out and remember each day is a blessing. 
4. Make a concious effort to eat healthier. Don't diet just really thing about what you are consuming on a daily basis. 
5. Drink lots and lots of water! And green tea too! No more diet sodas, or artificial sweeteners. (These can cause severe muscle spasms) atleast for me they do. And having Cerebral Palsy, I don't need anymore joint pains of any sort.
6. Work out atleast 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week even when feeling tired or stiff. Moving around a little bit will help!
7. Be kind and make more of an effort to go out of your way to help someone else. 
8. Keep following your dreams even if they seem too far to reach, you will get there one day, one step at a time. 
9. Have more fun, try new things, meet new people. 
10. Love, always love.
How you approach this year will make all the difference in the world. You either view life as a glass half full or a glass half empty and I choose for my glass to be half full and overflowing with good vibes this year! 

                 Faith. Hope. Love. 

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