Sara Shepard has done it again! Everytime I try to stop reading this series Sara Shepard pulls me back in. Ruthless is just as addicting as the other books and the story just keeps getting more twisted with each page. I just started reading this book lastnight and I am determined to finish it today. 1) Because I want to know what happens? 2) To see what is planned for the next book and 3) To start the next book which just came out yesterday.
I ordered Pretty Little Secrets on Amazon though, So it probably will not be at my doorstep for a couple of days. However, I will probably read another book in between because the holidays are almost over and I need to read as many books as I can before school starts. So much to read, yet so little time! I know when school starts again, my reading time will be significantly limited.
*images are from Barnes & Noble and Google