Sunday, April 17, 2011

TV Referred To As The Idiot Box... I Think Not?

I have spent this whole weekend analysing television as a cultural forum to make sense of how we interpret the messages we see and hear in the media. Furthermore, the television is not an idiot box because it displays social issues and conflicts that mirror our society, thus, encouraging us to make our own assumptions about what is going on around us. I chose to focus on The O.C., a television drama which  aired from 2003-2007. The O.C. displayed many social issues throughout its seasons as a popular teen drama. As a tribute to my spending 180 minutes in front of the supposed "Idiot Box" to write this essay, I will share a clip of it with you. It is a really good show, not only is the storyline good, but the writing is really creative and witty.

1 comment:

  1. I was so obsessed with the OC!!!! OMG. Seth Cohen will always be my #1 TV crush. That show was GOOD.
