Jenn's Hipster Starter Pack
Iphone 4s
Anything from Urban Outfitters
Starbucks gift card
Vintage knick nacks
Furniture that looks worn, but cool
A record player & a collection of old school Rock & Roll Records
She & Him's new Christmas Album
Any clothing with an aztec print or triangle pattern
Books about other hipsters
Books about Music, Art, or Pop Culture
Comedy movies or Documentary films about Music, Art or Popculture
Weirdly Abstract Wall Art or Photography to decorate living space.
Cookbooks for hipsters who go out to eat at trendy resturants 95% of the time. (This means quick- easy recepies for people who would rather create their own youtube videos or blogs about it to be cool rather than actually eat the food.) * I am guilty of this! its lame I know.
No hipster wish list is complete without cool photos to display a few of the above items.
(*all of the pictures are from Urban or google) The face print is from Urban Outfitters print shop! Go check out all the cool art they have!