Friday, November 19, 2010

music, books & recycling products

Today has been very eventful. I had lunch at a quaint deli where I got some amazing tomato soup and kettle chips, then I went to a record store and picked up some classical music, so as to further my music studies. Thus, I endulged in art, classical music courtesy of Tchaikovsky, and good times with a great friend. We browsed @ Barnes & Noble looking at cultural studies books because Rainn Wilson aka Dwight Shrute on the office has a book and we just had to check it out. I must say it is awesome! We also found some cool magazines on interior design and home decor. One magazine in particular is called The Nest... maybe you have heard of it. It's a wonderful magazine full of tons of ideas. Two brilliant musicians Matt & Kim are on the cover of the fall 2010 issue so I just had to buy it. We also discussed a magazine called Interiors Sources, which my friend recieved from an interior decorator in our city. It has tips on going green and living more resourcefully. Thus, we all need to recycle. It is important for our environment and all the creatures of the world. Check your local newspaper or go online to see when the recycling days are in your city and make an effort to reuse materials.


  1. Please tell me those were jalapeno kettle chips cuz those are the BEST! I will def check out The Nest - thanks for the tip!

  2. yes they were jalapeno kettle chips lol. yum yum!
